About Me

Hi, I'm Tracy and I'm a photographic storyteller in the Bay Area! I love capturing the best in people and moments of shared experiences. I have been a Art, Drama, & Photography teacher for over 12 years, teaching the arts throughout Northern California public schools, Civic Arts in Walnut Creek, San Francisco Shakespeare Festival, Bay Area Children's Theatre, and privately. Read below for information on upcoming classes. You can also visit my teaching blog at: http://tracyrandolph.blogspot.com To register, email tracyrandolph@hotmail.com or call 925-822-5435.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

~ EVERY FRIDAY from 10am-1pm ~

Come join us for a a fun themed Art & Drama day where play is important, creativity will be sparked, it's okay to get messy, friendships are made, and stories are imagined and created!

Each class begins with free art, then transitions into a focused project of the day, lunch/story time, open play, fun drama games, acting out a story, and ends with a popsicle with friends.

This class is open to kids ages 4-12.  Class size is limited.  Discounts AND added class time if you enroll by the month...ask Tracy.  Visions Vendor!

To enroll contact Tracy at (925) 822-5435 or tracyrandolph@hotmail.com


JANUARY 8TH - FRIDAY 10am-1pm (2pm for members)

Let's start the New Year with colorful mandala art with intentions while learning about famous artist and feminist pioneer Frida Kahlo.  Born in Mexico City, Frida is celebrated internationally for her uncompromising depiction of the female experience and form.  Although Frida believed her work reflected her own reality, many believed her work to be surrealistic and dream-like.  Frida used painting as a way to cope and transform the difficult times in her life.  Although she died young, she chose to live life to the fullest despite the health adversity she faced, believing it important to really enjoy life.  These are the big gifts she left behind, including dynamically beautiful artwork with great meaning.  After diving into Frida's life students will have a chance to explore their own inner artist as they paint what inspires them or what they must express in the spirit of Frida.  After finishing our artwork students will have the chance to view each others' work and share not only their own work, but hear each others positive thoughts and interpretations of what they see.  We will find time for free play, lunch, drama games, as well as our famous popsicle time!

All projects include supplies, materials, and take home project.  $50 fee/$40 for members. 

JANUARY 15TH - FRIDAY 10am-1pm (2pm for members)

Let's make beautiful bubble art with oil pastels, exploring the many colors refracted within a bubble while learning about the science of the molecules that create bubbles.  Afterwards we can make two different types of bubble wands and catchers and go outside to test our homemade bubble concoction.  Let's also test out some giant bubble rope wands to see how big we can make our bubbles.  At the free bubble art table we will also have two sensory areas to play with tiny bubble foam with added colors we can mix with our hands and a bubble blowing station with straws to create many bubbles at once!  We will find time to eat lunch, play theatre games, and enjoy a popsicle as well!

All projects include supplies, materials, and take home project.  $50 fee/$40 for members. 

JANUARY 22ND - FRIDAY 10am-1pm (2pm for members)

Let's pretend we are going to the beach to play in the sand!  From castles to designs we will learn the science behind creating "kinetic sand" and making our own changeable sensory sculptures.  Students will be able to take kinetic sand home with their own recipe to continue the fun, and good news for parents…it's easy to clean up!  Students will have plenty of time to enjoy finding treasures in the sand, molding their own creations, as well as explore colorful sand art at the free art table.  After lunch we will make time to jump, and move through cooperative theatre games that explore imagination and critical thinking skills.

All projects include supplies, materials, and take home project.  $50 fee/$40 for members. 

JANUARY 29TH - FRIDAY 10am-1pm (2pm for members) 

Let's dive into the diverse underwater ecosystem of a coral reefs.  Beautiful and majestic with vibrant colors and symbiotic relationships among it's ocean community, we will explore how this dynamic part of our ocean works.  Students will create a unique diorama of their favorite colorful creatures found in the coral reef.  Startling greens, blues, yellows, and reds paint the creatures of the reefs. Scientists are learning to decipher the messages these colors convey and to see them the way fish do!
We will explore using recycled materials and paint while discussing how we can each help support the real coral reefs that have been affected by human pollution and hunting, finding hope and empowerment.  Students can continue their underwater adventure as we plunge headfirst after lunch into our own made up underwater theatrical improvisation.

All projects include supplies, materials, and take home project.  $50 fee/$40 for members. 

SPRING 2016 

SUMMER 2016 

To enroll or for more information, contact Tracy @ (925) 822-5435 or tracyrandolph@hotmail.com